If you are not familiar with table windows, please read Working with table windows first.
The term window lets you define the term of the package or addon. The following is a description of the columns in this window:
Term Name
A unique name for the term. This field is editable only when adding a new term. The edit mode for this field is a textbox.
The type of term. Valid values are Days, Months, Years and One-Time. One-Time means the term is non-recurring and will be applied only once. The edit mode for this field is a dropdown list.
Number Of
The number of Days, Months or Years in this term. This field is ignored if type is One-Time. The edit mode for this field is a textbox.
Display Name
The name displayed to the customer. The edit mode for this field is a textbox.
Any notes you wish to make as a reminder to yourself about the term. These notes are not visible to the customer. The following panel shows up when editing this field: