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PayPal Configuration

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If you are not familiar with table windows, please read Working with table windows first.


The PayPal configuration window lets the admin configure settings that affect the PayPal module. This window has two columns - PayPal Config Name and PayPal Config Value. All the cells under PayPal Config Name are informational and all the cells under PayPal Config Value are editable. The following is a description of each row:


Mode of Operation

Choose if the module should use the PayPal Sandbox (PayPal test environment) or the live PayPal servers. You can use the test server to check your setup and then move this field to live to start accepting real customer payments. Valid values are Test/Demo for the test server and Live for the live server. The edit mode for this field is a dropdown list.

Paypal Payment Email Address

The email address you would like to use to accept PayPal payments. This can be the same as your primary PayPal email address if you would like to use the same email address to receive payments too. The edit mode for this field is a textbox.

Paypal Account Primary Email Address

The email address that is set as your primary email address in your PayPal account. The edit mode for this field is a textbox.

Paypal Payment Type

Choose if the customer is shown only a one-time payment button when he/she chooses to pay or subscription buttons. Valid values are:


Use subscription payments where possible
Always use one-time payments


If you choose to always use on-time payments, the customer is presented with one PayPal payment button with the total that they have to pay this time. When the next invoice is generated, the customer will have to come back to the user area and go through the same payment process to make another payment.


If you choose to use subscription payments where possible, the customer is presented with multiple PayPal payment buttons, one for each term (example, a button for monthly payments and another button for yearly payments). The customer has to click on each button and make the PayPal subscription payments to complete the entire payment. However, after this, the customer will not need to come back to the client area and make fresh payments every time an invoice is generated.


The edit mode for this field is a dropdown list.